While electric, gas, phone and cable companies each have their own lead-time for disconnect/connect notification, a good rule is to contact their customer service departments at least two weeks before the move. Make sure you keep the utilities at your old house turned on until after the day of your departure in case you need to get something in the evening or finish up cleaning - the last thing you'd want is to be stuck in the dark! As for your new place - have the utilities turned on the day before you move in. This way you'll ensure that once you get there, you'll have phone, heat, etc. Many companies offer services like moving utilities online. Even if you choose this method don't wait until the last minute, do it in advance. You might have to pay set-up fees so check with your provider.
Consider getting phone service, Internet and TV from one provider - those bundles are usually a good deal, plus you get all three on one bill. There's a lot of competition between companies and that means lower prices and more benefits for you. There are plenty of sources online comparing what services the different providers have to offer and at what price - that's a good place to start your research. You'll probably be able to keep your existing phone number if you're moving locally. Ultimately, you'll decide what services you need and what you don't.
Arrange for a final meter reading of electric, water and gas, and save a copy of the report. Give your old utility company your new address so they can send you the invoice. Pay any overdue bills, and collect any refunds or utility deposits. Be sure to have your new company's contact information in case there's an issue when you arrive at your new place.
Water and sewer service can be arranged through the appropriate town or city department. The same applies for garbage pickup and recycling, the cost of which is usually included in the property tax bill.