Some states and countries have quarantine restrictions; find out what they are well in advance. Some countries require vaccinations up to six months before the trip. Take your pet to the vet and get them examined as some animals might not be healthy enough to endure the trip. Get copies of their health records and a current health certificate which would be required by an airline company. Inquire about pet tranquilizers and motion sickness medicines.
It's very important to provide your pet with identification. This will greatly increase your chances of reuniting with them in case they get lost. Buy an ID Tag and list your cell phone number as well as an alternate number. You might want to consider getting your pet microchipped, however the Universal Scanner isn't always able to read them.
Pack everything your pet will need for the trip - food and water, favorite chew toys, pillows, bowls, medications. Check the weather for the day you're traveling and make sure your vehicle is adequately equipped for hot or cold temperatures.
If traveling by car it's a good idea to get a pet carrier, it would be safer for you and the animal. But first let them get used to it. Place the carrier near the pet's favorite spot in the house and leave the door open. Put some toys and a blanket inside and let your pet explore it. This way they'll familiarize themselves with it and will be more willing to stay in it during the trip. Make sure it's roomy enough for the pet to move around in it. If you are transporting a bird or a fish, the trip probably won't bother them much. Cover the bird's cage if it's not too hot; fish require a special tank for a safe transport, you can buy it from any pet store. Plan to stop for breaks often. If your trip includes an overnight stay research pet-friendly hotels with easy access to outside. Book in advance as some hotels have a limited number of rooms available for pets. Find out where the closest vet is located - this could save your pet's life in a case of an emergency.
If you are taking your pet with you on a plane call the airline company ahead of time for reservations. Some airlines will only allow a limited number of pets on a flight due to space limitations. You can only take small cats and dogs in the cabin, or you'll be asked to leave your pet in a special hold on the plane. Ask what papers you'll need to bring, how much it costs, are there any restrictions, and if the hold is heated/ventilated.
Last but not least, consider a professional animal transporter. Sure, it will cost more but it's worth it, knowing your pet is in good hands and well-taken care of.