East End Freight Moving & Storage Llc
East End Freight Moving & Storage Llc
159 Old Country Road
Southampton, NY

 By Luzia from Southampton, NY Posted Sep 26, 2015 This saddens my heart to hear that you judge the many by the few who have gone to the exrtemes there is no doubt in my mind that there are hundreds of thousands of of soldiers and veterans who do suffer from PTSD and other physiological traumas. As a doctor, how can you just call these heroes such mean things and just try to outcast them? You say you want to help people, but how can you do that when you are so cruel. This is unacceptable and I know that i am not the only one who thinks so. As a proud wife of a currently deployed soldier to Afghanistan in Operation Enduring Freedom and as a sister of a veteran of Operation Iraqi Freedom, I can no longer support you or your show. Shame on you for not caring enough to want to help the soldiers with PTSD you might as well treat them like rabid dogs, take them to the pound and have them destroyed if you thin that they are all damaged goods