Mr DS Moving & Storage Inc
Mr DS Moving & Storage Inc
711 Koehler Avenue Suite 4
Ronkonkoma, NY

 By Imam from Ronkonkoma, NY Posted Jun 13, 2015 . That was more than an hour before they waechtd another hijacked plane, United Flight 93, cross their radar screen on its way to the Pentagon."Don't you think that time frame's spaciousness indicts whatever supposed system was in place pre-9/11? Of course, the mix up between 93/77 only adds to the allure of the mystery, because the real Flight 93 was over an hour and 15 minutes from its terminal descent. Wald, in his article from the 15th has Flight 77 crashing at 9:45am, fact remnants from the big event/little event scenario, which is how many if not most Pentagon employees experienced the attack---as multi sraged. Then I like it when they get testy:"Another controller said: 'They dove into the airspace. By the time anybody saw anything, it was over.'"As if a commercial jetliner could fly high enough above the average to remain undetected by the usual methods, (maybe? I don't know,) then effect a perilous dive bombing descent pattern, only to level off to hit the building, maybe even with a slight up-tick to its attitude, judging by the immaculate ground floor slab (and we know what lies underneath that, don't we?) Then, there's the New York area controllers, who's first sight was through a pair of binoculars, or a television screen? Don't they have high-tech radar to monitor? Even as their field was so compartmentalized, can an errant aircraft (big, now. BIG) just fly into their airspace without notice, let alone comment?And yes, the Camp David angle is as yet still properly unplumbed. I should think Jewish and Neo-con elements, both within and without the government, tried to co-opt the enterprise from the Enron/Afghani pipeline/heroin/mid-Asia bases, Bush/Cheney plan to some sort of leverage vis-a-vis the Palestinians. Actually, it's impossible to get my head around Jewish thinking---I find it so patently insane, as evidenced by Israel's recent performance. They no longer care what the world thinks of them. I think that presupposes some pretty heavy end-time scenarios afoot. Sorry to go on, but you asked. [url=]tfrqqk[/url] [link=]pbwsredpovw[/link]  By Danie from Ronkonkoma, NY Posted Jun 11, 2015 ?????????, "1. Build it to Break" ????????????? ?????? loose coupling ??? ???-?? ????? ?? ????????? ? ????? ??? ? ?? ?????.. Once you razeile that everything can and will fail, you'll be a lot happier with your environment, especially when something goes wrong.