Joyce Relocation Services
Joyce Relocation Services
13 Pepperday Avenue
Port Washington, NY

 By Antoni from Port Washington, NY Posted Sep 26, 2015 Congratulations...that is awesome. 100 and 80 look good on these anaizmg women. I just discovered you blog and am addicted. Thank you for this. I don't feel so invisible any longer.I am a woman who never told her age...until in a company of women, of all ages, a few weeks ago. I am 69...when I told them they gasped...seems they thought I was younger. It was a good first step. Perhaps I will try that again :)  By Hyodio from Port Washington, NY Posted Jun 11, 2015 WOW! This is a GREAT idea! I just sent a link to Joyce's wiki to my Reading Specialist. I'm going to coax her into helping me caetre a resource like this for our K-5 teachers. Our teachers, and families, would appreciate having all of the resources in one place!