Advance Metro Movers
Advance Metro Movers
195 Bethpage Sweet Hollow Road
Old Bethpage, NY

 By Kelson from Old Bethpage, NY Posted Jun 13, 2015 i agree there needs to be trash cans more often then you could dispose of the waste maikng for a even more enjoyable ride. also the sac and fox trail really needs to be paved and opened all the way to marion maikng a full circle to boyson rd and if we cross and had a bridge on cst sw to get from the trail on cst to prarrie lake and sac and fox trail then there would be no backtracking and nowhere we could not go now that would be of great interest to everyone just constant change of sceenery hope you all can see the need for this to happen as it would connect us to all parts of our beautiful city and open new paths for busnesses to seek out as i beleive that if when done it will be a new avenue of enjoyment as well as employment some permenant as bikers will be passing that way every day and they have needs wants and lots of freinds this route will also be among they safest accedent speaking or traffic no roads or traffic or lights a great way to get from southwest to marion what a great way to enjoy our fith season in the city of five seasons.the woods and exploring is much nicer through that area and the exploration is what the KIDS seem to want more of i should know i have two and this is all our idea they always want more out of the ordinary more nature life not more city trail life on busy roads kids need to be off the roads maybe have a age limit for the street trail not sure how that would work yea better to not and just make our town safe and secure as we can 100% always give all you have in effort to your neighbors as you would your own family God keep us all [url=]crnrlavs[/url] [link=]jlnqttikurm[/link]  By Tracy from Old Bethpage, NY Posted Jun 11, 2015 I've started asikng permission in woodbury, washington county. so far i'm 0-3. I'm on the waiting list for a plat book.Like everyone else here i'm looking for spots close to home. i'm also asikng churches in the area who are located on land with wooded areas etc The city of woodbury has a map indicating where you can hunt on private land with signed permission you need to present to the police. i'm hoping i get permission from a couple of land owners.