Haggerty Moving CO
Haggerty Moving CO
659 Mastic Road
Mastic, NY

 By Merry from Mastic, NY Posted Jun 11, 2015 I agree there is a housing bulbbe, but the gloating poster's logic is a little twisted.They are proud to be a renter for 5 years feeling bad about owners talking about their properties going up, and now will wait until the 2002 prices. Well, if they just bought in 2001, they could sell for today's prices. I agree there is a bulbbe, but it could take 2-3 years or more to get back to 2002 prices, if we do. This means they are a renter for 8 years just to get even with the prices they could have bought for.It really sounds to me like sour grapes from someone who either did not have a downpayment, regretting missing the boat, and using hindsight to say how smart they are.I am not against renting when you are unsure of how long you will stay in an area, or type of house. I did this myself for a 5 year period. But if someone wants to own a house long term, it is hard to time the market. I am not denying though that now is a really bad time to buy in many area's.