R-Way Moving & Storage
R-Way Moving & Storage
5636 59th Street
Maspeth, NY

 By Reem from Maspeth, NY Posted Sep 26, 2015 Dude...I am so THERE! I want dance lessons! Did you catch a gispmle of his dance partner?This is totally AWESOME!!(And I am sooooo stealing this for my blog and FB!)  By Fathi from Maspeth, NY Posted Jun 13, 2015 great to hear that the preview was so heulfpl. for full videos got to drawingforce.com$10/months get you access to over 70 videos, new one each week and a live lecture with me. http://fcfxcpeqgf.com [url=http://tslzjj.com]tslzjj[/url] [link=http://oskhawbaj.com]oskhawbaj[/link]  By Neto from Maspeth, NY Posted Jun 11, 2015 Sorry for nitpicking. Otherwise, this scrteth of the avenue (here at 72nd Street) features wood frame salt box dwellings that might go back as far as 1850 .Traditionally, a salt box would need to have a two-story front facade, and a peaked roof leading down to a one-story facade on the rear. Generally these houses in northern climes would be oriented with the taller facade facing south for warmth and light in the winter months, and the shorter side facing the cold northern breezes.Or so the story goes