Brian Walsh Moving & Storage Service
Brian Walsh Moving & Storage Service
633 Chestnut Garden City
Garden City, NY

 By Diego from Garden City, NY Posted Sep 26, 2015 Yes, good message .anyone who wants to stay in the game and is in it for the lonegr term needs to decide, and implement, branding strategies. The benefits accrue later, and faster, as time elapses.Enjoy Las Vegas. it looks like little will Trump the experienceRichard Lamos  By HeatherL from Garden City, NY Posted Jul 12, 2011 I called Brian Walsh moving for my cross country move. They outsourced to another company. They other company picked up my items over 1 month ago and have still not delivered. And now, of course, Brian Walsh moving does not return my call. I was very surprised b/c I thought they were a reputable company. UD