Wheaton World Wide Moving
Wheaton World Wide Moving
90 Comsewogue Road
East Setauket, NY

 By Daeng from East Setauket, NY Posted Nov 13, 2015 “Sharading such stoadries should beocme a valadued spiradiadtual disadciadpline.” It is through stoadries that our ancesadtors lived, passading down inforadmaadtion, genealoadgies, soluadtions to hardadship, hope for the future, knowladedge and wisaddom– everyadthing. Some how along the way the stoadries changed. Alteradation is a natadural part of life, howadever the Ameradiadcan story has taken a turn in a difadferadent direcadtion. It’s peradsonal, indiadvidaduadaladized, and at times selfadish. How can I sucadceed? What must I do to get a job, a house, a famadily, to pay bills. Even spiradiadtuadally, our sociadety focus beocmes overly conadcerned with the individual’s holiadness. While this is a vital aspect of our faith, it is imporadtant to keep in mind that we are called to love our neighadbors and God, and this is someadthing we must do together. When hard times fall upon us, servading and the care for othaders is often secadondary. Sadly, care for the enviadronadment is even furadther away. We need to reinadvigadoadrate our stoadries, realadizading that the naradraadtives we live by host an amaladgaadmaadtion of charadacadters, setadtings, and issues. We have the opporadtuadnity to conadnect with each other, sharading our stoadries and estabadlishading comadmuadnal empowaderadment across boradders and disadtances. We are our brother’s keeper and the world and it’s probadlems are too big and too numeradous to conadquer alone. It is for this reaadson that I am overly grateadful to have found the Eco-Stewards. Drawading from their naradraadtives, I know we are sharading life’s hardadships, along with it’s joys and celadeadbraadtions. We live in an interadconadnected world, and it is only natadural to conadnect our spiradiadtual lives through such interadconadnected stoadries. It is truly a disadciadpline to be upheld and cheradished in our faith ciradclesa0today. http://hkimgmfzlkm.com [url=http://uexaxrqpjed.com]uexaxrqpjed[/url] [link=http://uuxicbg.com]uuxicbg[/link]