The Lockup Self Storage
The Lockup Self Storage
380 Mark Tree Road
East Setauket, NY

 By Gull from East Setauket, NY Posted Nov 13, 2015 Bob, that is fascinating beaucse I have had incidents where I was using a tripod with a long lens at night, and turned on IS and got very screwed up images. I thought it was my goof. Maybe I had nudged the tripod. But now I will need to try these sorts of shots again with the one IS lens I use sometimes the Canon 70 300mm.I am going to include both this and your previous comment in the the posts. Dave [url=]zwtxcbvy[/url] [link=]pedqfibplt[/link]  By Jim from East Setauket, NY Posted Nov 10, 2015 The frog is being boiled. People of GOOD WILLl, and peploe of ILL WILL, are taking tiny steps many, many tiny steps to create a government under which the peploe will have, in time, NO WILL. This will be on your permanent record, teachers and APs used to tell the kids. He sees you when you're sleeping; he knows when you're awake, the children's song went.How many peploe remember that the first president Bush attacked healthcare costs by creating a single national database of health records to which all insurers had access? Welcome to the exclusion of the pre-existing condition that became such an issue with regard to Romneycare, uh, Obamacare, uh The Affordable Care Act.Invariant national standards, tests, evaluation systems, and lesson plan formats from the Gates-funded Literacy Design Collaborative. A single national database of student responses and scores, inBloom. And next the continual affective monitoring devices described in the U.S. Department of Education report on building Grit, Tenacity, and Perseverance in the 21st Century Workforce. Orwell's telescreens from 1984 are becoming a reality, his 1984 a playbook. DARPA is pouring a lot of funding into data mining and ubiquitous computing and miniaturizing of drones. Tens of thousands of U.S. police departments have applied to the FAA for drone licenses. The city of St. Petersburg, Florida, police dept. just bought an armored mobile surveillance unit with infrared cameras and fancy microphones capable of seeing and listening through walls. The Small Arms Journal recently carried a story about how the police departments of the U.S. were becoming hugely militarized. CATO reports that there were 43,000 home invasions by police SWAT teams in the U.S. in 2010.How many times a day are you being recorded by a security camera? You know, of course, that your emails at work belong to your employer. Your Supreme Court has ruled that your employer can put video cameras in its bathrooms to keep an eye on you in there.Your Congress passed a law requiring that all cell phones have GPS devices in them that allow their owners to be tracked. There was, of course, no public discussion of this. It was simply done. All you need is a person's phone number and you can find out exactly where, at this moment, he or she is.For a few bucks, I anyone can run a report on anyone. I can run a report on you that will contain stuff you don't even know about yourself. Pages and pages and pages of stuff. There's quite an industry, now, of such reporting.Welcome to the Panopticon.And yet it is all happening by slow degrees, and to express any concern about any step in the process is to be considered a flake, a member of some lunatic fringe, someone who is overreacting. The former professor of Constitutional law Barry Obama and his predecessors Bush I and Bush II put into place mechanisms that Orwell's Ingsoc could only have dreamed of. And these will be in the hands of ANY future government of the country, in any circumstances.