Tuck It Away Self Storage
Tuck It Away Self Storage
655 East 132nd Street
Bronx, NY

 By wgjylpcz from Bronx, NY Posted Jul 4, 2012 HhUf9X , [url=http://qfqlzjqvklxd.com/]qfqlzjqvklxd[/url], [link=http://dqmgsoyihjtf.com/]dqmgsoyihjtf[/link], http://xioobakwktog.com/  By Maki from Bronx, NY Posted Jul 2, 2012 I agree with you, Moreen, but I can think of a few occasions where self-storage would be the smart sutolion:1 Two people each have their own apartment and decide to get married and/or move in together. They plan to buy a house but for now will share one apartment. In the house, they'll need most of the furniture, but right now they don't have space for it.2 People are moving from House A to House B. For whatever reason, House B will not be available when they move out of House A, so they'll be staying temporarily in a hotel or with friends. Stuff needs to be stored in the meantime.3 Young person moves away from home to attend college or university and rents a house or apartment with some other students, requiring him to buy some furniture. Upon graduation, he moves back home. He doesn't need the furniture he purchased while he's at home, but will want it again when he gets his own place.Of course, you can only advise your clients; you can't force them to do anything, so if they insist on long-term storage, at least you can help them choose the best facility!Read Janet Barclay's post: